A. Teaching basic skills (teaching skills) is the ability or skills that are specific (most specific instructional behaviors) that should be owned by a teacher, lecturer, instructor or lecturer in order to carry out their teaching duties effectively, efficiently and professionally (As. Gilcman, 1991). Thus the teaching of basic skills with respect to some skill or ability that is fundamental and must be mastered by teachers in carrying out her teaching duties.
In teaching there are two basic skills to be mastered by a faculty, namely;
1) Mastering the material or materials that will be taught (what to teach)
2) Mastering the methodology or way to membelajarkannya (how to teach)
Teaching basic skills including into aspects of the way membelajarkan no 2 students. Teaching the basic skills an absolute must owned and controlled by teachers, for the teaching of basic skills to give deeper understanding of teaching. Teaching is not just the process of delivering course materials, but also the wider aspects such as attitude formation, emotional, character, habits and values.
B. Types of Teaching SkillsIn teaching there are two basic skills to be mastered by a faculty, namely;
1) Mastering the material or materials that will be taught (what to teach)
2) Mastering the methodology or way to membelajarkannya (how to teach)
Teaching basic skills including into aspects of the way membelajarkan no 2 students. Teaching the basic skills an absolute must owned and controlled by teachers, for the teaching of basic skills to give deeper understanding of teaching. Teaching is not just the process of delivering course materials, but also the wider aspects such as attitude formation, emotional, character, habits and values.
Teaching basic skills that should be on a faculty member or educator can be divided into 8 types of skills. Teaching basic skills is as follows:
A. Describe the skills
a. Understanding the skills to explain
Identifies skill is a skill that serves learning materials are systematically organized as a unified meaning, so it is easy to understand for learners.
b. The principles explained
• Explanations should be tailored to the capabilities and characteristics of learners
• Explanations should be interspersed with question and answer
• The material must be controlled by either an explanation by the teacher
• The explanation must be consistent with the objectives of learning
• The material should be useful and meaningful explanation for learners
• It can be explained must be accompanied by concrete examples and associated with life
c. Aspects that must be considered in explaining
• The language used in explaining the need to be simple, bright and clear
• Materials are prepared and controlled will be explained in advance
• Principles are explained to be inferred
• In explaining as well as with examples and illustrations
• Conduct checks on the level of understanding of students through the questions
2. Asking Skills
a. Understanding the skills to ask
Ask is an element that is always present in the communication process, including the communication of learning. Questioning skills is a greeting or a question asked by the teacher as a stimulus to generate or regenerate an answer (response) of the learner.
b. Purpose of questioning skills:
• Motivating students to engage in learning interactions
• Train the ability to express opinion
• Stimulate and enhance the thinking ability of students
• Train learners divergent thinking
• Achieving the goal of learning
c. The types of questions
• a direct question, that is the question addressed to one of the students
• General questions and open, that is the question addressed to the whole class
• Rhetorical questions, ie questions that do not require an answer
• factual questions, the questions to dig out facts and information
• re-directed questions set, the question is returned to students on other students questions
• Questions lead (Leading Questions) that is a question whose answer is summed up in the question itself
d. The principles ask
• Questions should be about a single issue. Give students time to think
• Questions should be brief, clear and organized with simple words
• Questions to be equally distributed to the learners
• Questions should be directly given random
• Questions should be tailored to the capabilities and readiness of students
• Should avoid rhetorical questions or leading question
e. Techniques in asking
• Engineering wait
• reaffirm Engineering
• Engineering lead and dig
• Engineering mekacak
A. 3. Using the skills of Stimulus Variation
a. Understanding the skills to use variations
Skills using a variation of the stimulus is a teacher's skills in using a variety of teaching ability to provide stimulus to the students that the learning atmosphere is always attractive, so that students are passionate and enthusiastic in accepting learning and teaching and learning activities can take place effectively.
b. Intended use of the variation in teaching and learning:
• eliminate boredom in attending
• maintain an optimal learning conditions
• increase attention and motivation of learners
• facilitate the achievement of the objectives of teaching
c. The types of variation in teaching
• variations in the use of media
• variations in teaching style
• variations in the use of the method
• variations in patterns of interaction that is to use multi-way interaction pattern
d. The principles of the use of variations in teaching
• use a variation of the fair, not made-up
• change the type of variations to other variations must be effective
• the use of variation must be planned and in accordance with the materials, methods, and characteristics of learners
4. Giving Skills Strengthening
a. Pegertian provide reinforcement of skills
Provide reinforcement or reincorcement an action or response to a form of behavior that may encourage the emergence of improving the quality of these behaviors at other times.
b. Intended use of the skills to give reinforcement:
• Raises the attention of students
• Generating student motivation to learn
• Develop personal skills initiative
• Stimulate students to think of good
• Restore and change the negative attitudes of participants in learning to behavior that supports learning
c. The types of reinforcement
• Strengthening of Verbal
• Strengthening of gestural
• Strengthening of the way toward
• Strengthening the way welcome
• Strengthening by providing fun activities
• Strengthening the form of marks or objects
d. Principles of reinforcement
• Performed with warmth and enthusiasm
• Provide a positive impression to students
• Impact of positive behavior
• Can be personal or group
• Avoid using negative response
5. Opening and Closing Skills Lessons
a. Understanding skills to open and close a lesson
Skills are an attempt to open the lesson the teacher to student mental condition to be ready to accept the lesson. In the opening lesson learners should know the objectives to be achieved and the steps being taken.
Skill is the skill of the teacher closes the lesson in the end the core activity of the lesson. In closing the lesson, the teacher can conclude the subject matter, determine the level of achievement and success rates of learners to the learning process.
b. Purpose of opening and closing the lesson is:
• To create student interest and attention to the lessons that will be discussed
• Prepare mentally for learners to be ready to enter the matters to be discussed
• Allows students to know the level of the lesson keberhasailan
• In order for students to know the limits of his job will be done
c. The principles of open and closed learning skills
• In the open class must give meaning to students, by using methods that are relevant to the purpose and the materials to be delivered
• The relationship between the introduction to the core of teaching and the tasks are done as a follow-up seems clear and logical
• Using the apperception that is essential to introduce the lesson by connecting it to knowledge already known by learners.
6. Small Group Teaching Skills and Individual
a. Understanding of teaching small groups and individuals
Small group teaching skills is the ability of teachers to serve students in learning activities as a group by the number of students ranged from 3 to 5 people or at most eight people for each group.
While skills in teaching individuals or individual is the ability of teachers teaching in mennetukan objectives, materials, procedures and time spent in teaching with attention to the demands or individual differences of learners.
b. Purpose of developing the skills of teachers to teach small groups and individuals are:
• Skills in a personal approach
• Skill in organizing
• Skills in guiding learning
• Skills in plan and implement teaching
7. Classroom Management Skills
a. Understanding of classroom management skills
Classroom management skills is the ability of teachers to achieve and maintain an optimal learning environment.
b. The purpose of classroom management are:
• To realize the situation and conditions which enable learners class abilities optimally memgembangkan
• Eliminate barriers and breach of discipline which may impede the realization of the teaching and learning interactions
• Maintain a steady state in a class susana, sahingga when an interruption occurs in the learning and teaching can be reduced and avoided
• Serve and guide the individual differences of students
• Set up all supplies and equipment that enable learners to learn in accordance with social, emotional and intellectual learners in the classroom.
c. Classroom Management Principles
• Flexibility, used when teachers get a bottleneck in the behavior of students, so teachers can modify teaching strategies
• The warmth and the sight of people exiting
• Varied, use the variation in teaching and learning
• Challenge, use the words, actions or presentation material that challenges
• Instill self discipline, always encouraging the students to have self disipin
• Emphasize the positive things, thinking about positive things and avoid concentration on the negative
d. Classroom Management Skills Component
a. Understanding the skills to use variations
Skills using a variation of the stimulus is a teacher's skills in using a variety of teaching ability to provide stimulus to the students that the learning atmosphere is always attractive, so that students are passionate and enthusiastic in accepting learning and teaching and learning activities can take place effectively.
b. Intended use of the variation in teaching and learning:
• eliminate boredom in attending
• maintain an optimal learning conditions
• increase attention and motivation of learners
• facilitate the achievement of the objectives of teaching
c. The types of variation in teaching
• variations in the use of media
• variations in teaching style
• variations in the use of the method
• variations in patterns of interaction that is to use multi-way interaction pattern
d. The principles of the use of variations in teaching
• use a variation of the fair, not made-up
• change the type of variations to other variations must be effective
• the use of variation must be planned and in accordance with the materials, methods, and characteristics of learners
4. Giving Skills Strengthening
a. Pegertian provide reinforcement of skills
Provide reinforcement or reincorcement an action or response to a form of behavior that may encourage the emergence of improving the quality of these behaviors at other times.
b. Intended use of the skills to give reinforcement:
• Raises the attention of students
• Generating student motivation to learn
• Develop personal skills initiative
• Stimulate students to think of good
• Restore and change the negative attitudes of participants in learning to behavior that supports learning
c. The types of reinforcement
• Strengthening of Verbal
• Strengthening of gestural
• Strengthening of the way toward
• Strengthening the way welcome
• Strengthening by providing fun activities
• Strengthening the form of marks or objects
d. Principles of reinforcement
• Performed with warmth and enthusiasm
• Provide a positive impression to students
• Impact of positive behavior
• Can be personal or group
• Avoid using negative response
5. Opening and Closing Skills Lessons
a. Understanding skills to open and close a lesson
Skills are an attempt to open the lesson the teacher to student mental condition to be ready to accept the lesson. In the opening lesson learners should know the objectives to be achieved and the steps being taken.
Skill is the skill of the teacher closes the lesson in the end the core activity of the lesson. In closing the lesson, the teacher can conclude the subject matter, determine the level of achievement and success rates of learners to the learning process.
b. Purpose of opening and closing the lesson is:
• To create student interest and attention to the lessons that will be discussed
• Prepare mentally for learners to be ready to enter the matters to be discussed
• Allows students to know the level of the lesson keberhasailan
• In order for students to know the limits of his job will be done
c. The principles of open and closed learning skills
• In the open class must give meaning to students, by using methods that are relevant to the purpose and the materials to be delivered
• The relationship between the introduction to the core of teaching and the tasks are done as a follow-up seems clear and logical
• Using the apperception that is essential to introduce the lesson by connecting it to knowledge already known by learners.
6. Small Group Teaching Skills and Individual
a. Understanding of teaching small groups and individuals
Small group teaching skills is the ability of teachers to serve students in learning activities as a group by the number of students ranged from 3 to 5 people or at most eight people for each group.
While skills in teaching individuals or individual is the ability of teachers teaching in mennetukan objectives, materials, procedures and time spent in teaching with attention to the demands or individual differences of learners.
b. Purpose of developing the skills of teachers to teach small groups and individuals are:
• Skills in a personal approach
• Skill in organizing
• Skills in guiding learning
• Skills in plan and implement teaching
7. Classroom Management Skills
a. Understanding of classroom management skills
Classroom management skills is the ability of teachers to achieve and maintain an optimal learning environment.
b. The purpose of classroom management are:
• To realize the situation and conditions which enable learners class abilities optimally memgembangkan
• Eliminate barriers and breach of discipline which may impede the realization of the teaching and learning interactions
• Maintain a steady state in a class susana, sahingga when an interruption occurs in the learning and teaching can be reduced and avoided
• Serve and guide the individual differences of students
• Set up all supplies and equipment that enable learners to learn in accordance with social, emotional and intellectual learners in the classroom.
c. Classroom Management Principles
• Flexibility, used when teachers get a bottleneck in the behavior of students, so teachers can modify teaching strategies
• The warmth and the sight of people exiting
• Varied, use the variation in teaching and learning
• Challenge, use the words, actions or presentation material that challenges
• Instill self discipline, always encouraging the students to have self disipin
• Emphasize the positive things, thinking about positive things and avoid concentration on the negative
d. Classroom Management Skills Component
• Skills preventive teachers can use their skills in a way:
• Focus
• Demonstrate responsiveness
• Reprimand
• Dividing attention
• Provide clear instructions
• providing reinforcement
• Skills megelola repressive class, the teacher can use his skills by:
• The management group
• Modification of behavior
• Finding and solving behavior that cause problems
e. Things that should be avoided in developing classroom management skills:
• Inaccuracy start and end events
• Repetition of unnecessary explanation
• Deviation
• silence
• long-winded
8. Skills to guide small group discussions
a. Understanding
Small group discussion is a learning process carried out in cooperation group aims to solve a problem, review the concepts, principles or specific groups. For that teachers have a crucial role as a mentor to the discussion can take place in accordance with the learning objectives.
b. The principles guiding the small group discussions:
• Conduct discussions in a pleasant atmosphere
• Provide adequate time to formulate and answer the problems
• Plan a group discussion with the systematic
• Lead teacher and make yourself a friend in the discussion
c. Component skills of teachers in guiding small groups elaborated:
• Clarify the problem
• Disseminate the opportunity to participate
• Focusing
• Analyze the views of learners
• Increase the order of the mind of students
• Closing the discussion
d. Things that should be avoided in guiding the small group discussions:
• Conduct a discussion that does not comply with the characteristics and needs of learners
• Does not provide sufficient opportunities for learners to think about solving the problem
• Leaving the discussion held by particular learners
• Allowing students to express opinions that are not related to the subject
• Allowing learners inactive
• Not formulated on the discussions and follow-up tiadak form
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artikel ini sangat berguna bagi saya.. terimakasih.. <3
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